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Welcome journey: 7 tips for successful welcome emails

The welcome journey and in particular the welcome email is the start of effective marketing automation and offers both you as a company and your customers many advantages. It is important that you not only pay attention to the entire process, but also to the details.

The welcome email often determines how the new customer receives your content and whether they will continue to benefit from your newsletter. We have therefore summarized seven important tips for you on how to make the welcome journey as efficient and attractive as possible for the customer.

1. Plan the entire welcome journey comprehensively

It is important that you always keep the overall context in mind when planning. Ideally, the entire welcome journey is created from a single source so that customers feel consistently and immediately addressed.

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This means that, if possible, you should no longer change the structure, the design or the individual address of the emails. These should run as a red thread through the entire process. This also means that the welcome email is practically the template to which the other mailings are based and which you must follow.

2. the welcome email: Convince at first glance

The welcome email is therefore the start of the welcome journey and must convince the customer at first glance. Among other things, pay attention to a stringent and self-contained structure and a appropriate approach to the customer. As a rule, most recipients of such an email are not yet regular customers of your company.

So it's important to treat them like a shy deer and not scare off potential customers.

If possible, avoid the usual marketing promises and offers in the welcome email, but instead give the customer the opportunity to get to know you and your company better.

3. Information is the trump card in the welcome email

The welcome email is ideally the start of a long customer journey. The customer is gradually convinced of the benefits and offers of the company and led to the point of sale. However, the welcome journey is a separate process here, as the customer's interest should first be reinforced as part of this journey.

Example welcome email
Example of a welcome email from Casper

So provide the customer with appropriate and relevant information so that they can easily and conveniently get an idea of the company and its products and offers in the email. Avoid actively advertising, as this puts many customers off at an early stage.

Once the customer has gotten to know the company and you have gotten to know the customer better, advertising can be placed much more easily and effectively.

The welcome journey is the wrong place for overly offensive advertising

4. Use the customer's reactions to diversify

It is important that you use the welcome email to get to know the customer better at an early stage. After all, this is the main purpose of the entire welcome journey. There are various ways to do this. For example, you can offer the customer various links to individual subject areas of your company in the email.

Welcome journey with segmentation based on clicks in the welcome email

This allows you to track exactly which link the customer clicked on. This gradually gives you a better picture of the customer and their interests. The welcome journey therefore helps you to diversify your customers and thus optimally serve their areas of interest.

5. Planning the welcome journey in full segmentation

As you are segmenting customers into different target groups as part of the above-mentioned diversification, you should already take into account when planning the welcome journey that these target groups want to be addressed differently and have different interests.

While the actual welcome email is initially the same for all customers, this changes after the first segmentations. After all, you want to awaken customers' interest in the company and its offers. To do this, it is important that these interests are addressed directly in the subsequent emails of the welcome journey.

When planning the entire journey, you must therefore bear in mind that you are planning the entire journey for each target group you have defined.


The more segmentation you undertake and the more diverse the target groups become, the greater the effort involved in planning and implementing the welcome journey. However, you will also be rewarded with lowest possible bounce rates and a very good conversion.

6. Handling bounces correctly - following up is allowed 

But what should you do if a customer does not respond to the welcome email at all? A large proportion of users sign up for a newsletter but do not respond to your efforts at all. In this case, plan a further welcome email with a different focus, which should serve as a reminder.

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The customer may simply have overlooked the email, not had time to read it or forgotten about it. Or the tone of the first welcome email may simply not have captured the customer's interest. A little variety can therefore help here, provided this can be developed within the design and language concept created.

7. Use A/B testing for the welcome email and the welcome journey

As well as you can plan a campaign as part of a welcome journey, make sure that it achieves the desired goals. Through simple split tests with different variants, you can easily find out which approach, which images and which content you can use to effectively convince the most customers.


Beispiel A/B-Test
Use A/B tests to check the effectiveness of your welcome email

Testing may take more time, but you will also receive important feedback and can sustainably improve the efficiency of your welcome journey and welcome email and reach more customers.