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Video Campaigns That Reach Your Target Group – 7 Tips

Videos are the most popular media format on the internet and on private smartphones. YouTube alone records 5 billion video views a day, and on TikTok the figure is around 1 billion. Companies can use video campaigns to reach their target group and benefit from the popularity of the medium. With these 7 tips, it's guaranteed to work! How can you successfully generate leads with Google Ads? - Download

Video campaigns are a question of the right budget 

With video campaigns that are played out on the right platform, you can reach brand-loyal customers who are excited about new offers, as well as new prospects. An exciting campaign ensures attention, entertainment and fits almost seamlessly into users' timelines and dashboards. However, video campaigns have a decisive disadvantage: they are comparatively expensive.

With video campaigns you have a creative variety to address customers and prospects.
With video campaigns, you have a creative variety to address customers and prospects. (Image:

An advertising clip should never be a spontaneous, quickly implemented idea. The campaign can be played out on platforms such as Meta, TikTok, YouTube and Google Ads, for example on news sites, to ensure maximum reach. This requires professionally shot material, a strong script, actors and actresses with advertising experience, well-known faces and influencers. All of this increases costs, but pays off. So only launch video campaigns if you have enough budget to reach your target group with creative, high-quality content

Different video campaigns for different platforms 

What's more unpleasant than being interrupted by ads while watching a long, interesting video? Ads that are too long for the platform, aimed at the wrong target group or are loud and intrusive. As an advertiser, you can avoid misplaced and distracting ads by tailoring your video campaigns to the relevant platform and target audience.

Get to know the platform you want to advertise on 

For example, TikTok is also used by young people, but is aimed at all age groups with a wide range of content from cooking videos and dance clips to personal testimonials. In March 2022, 43% of TikTok users were aged 18 to 24 and 32% were aged 25 to 34. Only 3.4 percent were older than 55. In concrete terms, this means that you are reaching a target group that is not interested in children's content, very young audiences or senior topics. Child stars and very young influencers may be the wrong brand ambassadors here.

Giving unconventional formats a chance 

Decision-makers in companies are often worried about breaking new ground with advertising campaigns. On the one hand, they expect campaigns to "go viral" and become a media topic, but on the other hand they fear that this will also attract criticism. Every good campaign becomes a topic of conversation, especially if you opt for unconventional formats.

Advertising campaigns for which Instagram reels are played out over the long term or sponsored Twitter hashtags are used naturally also invite comments.

Interactions increase visibility and ensure that the campaign can reach the desired target group

Allow unusual formats and content. Marketing experts follow trends closely and know what works on which platform. 

Broadcast spots and clips across all media 

Cinema and radio spots, digital displays and traditional posters will continue to be an important part of advertising campaigns in 2022. By running video-only campaigns, you are missing out on the opportunity to strengthen your brand and make it better known in the long term. Instead, our Thorit experts recommend: Plan a broad campaign across various media.
Users are more likely to notice campaigns that they encounter on YouTube, Google and as in-app advertising.

Mobile-First also for video campaigns 

Advertising platforms such as Google, Facebook or YouTube let you choose how you want to reach your target group. Should ads only be displayed in the browser or only on mobile? Are you targeting Android or Apple users? Would you also like to reach your target group on smart devices such as televisions? The answer to all of these questions is yes.

You want to reach your target group where they are currently consuming content 

In 2022, most people worldwide will use the internet primarily on mobile devices. In Germany, almost every person over the age of 14 owns a smartphone. This is why Google switched to the mobile-first index years ago. Your video campaigns should therefore also be aimed primarily at smartphone users, both in terms of format and resolution as well as content and approach.

How to use YouTube display for your campaign 

An advertising tool ignored by many advertisers is YouTube Display ads. These are not promotional videos, but overlays that are displayed in the video app. A mix of advertising clips and ads ensures that you also reach the target group that often skips advertising videos.

With the YouTube display ads you are offered various advertising options.
The YouTube display ads offer you various advertising options. (Image:

Display ads are not only cheaper to play, but also significantly cheaper to produce than commercials. If you have a low advertising budget, it can be worth planning a campaign that deliberately uses display ads as an attention-grabber instead of several commercials and shows interested parties content that really interests them.

Skipping ads individually via TrueView 

A misconception that many companies fall prey to is that a large number of views increases the chance of clicks. In fact, you are more likely to reach your target group if you give users the option to skip ads directly. Not every YouTube viewer will be interested in your product and that is completely normal. Not every passer-by will stop in front of an advertising poster, so why should viewers be forced to watch twenty seconds of advertising for a product that they are definitely not going to buy? How can you successfully generate leads with Google Ads? - Download

Reaching your target group also means avoiding wide scattering. YouTube TrueView gives you the opportunity to do this. Use TrueView to make ads skippable. This increases the chance that viewers who want to see the ad will actually be interested in your product.

Conclusion: Mobile and concrete wins 

Video campaigns need to be well planned and financed, but they also need to reach a specific audience. The motto is: find target groups, address them and inspire them with funny, interesting or exciting content. Your target group is mobile, knows the apps they use and wants high-quality content.