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Successfully planning digital marketing campaigns ✓ Checklist

Marketing campaigns are targeted measures that manufacturers and service providers can use to bring their products or services closer to their target group. The number of options is growing with the range of digital marketing channels. However, this raises the question of which options are particularly promising and which components should not be missing from the marketing mix. Find out how to plan successful marketing campaigns step by step.

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Marketing campaigns at a glance

Marketing campaigns can be differentiated in various dimensions, over which period of time they are carried out, which marketing channels and which instruments are used and which object they have (for example, a product to be advertised).

Thoughtful and target group-oriented measures, coordinated with each other, are the basis of marketing campaigns. Simply increasing the intensity or number of marketing activities is not enough, especially as many addressees find this annoying. The success factors therefore include a precise concept, the selection of suitable marketing channels and an ongoing analysis of success based on the objective.

Cornerstones of a successful marketing campaign

A successful marketing campaign takes into account a precise selection

  • the sender,
  • the advertised objects, products or services,
  • the marketing tools,
  • the communication channels and
  • the target group

When selecting these aspects, it is advisable to focus on the position of customers or prospects in the sales funnel. This marketing model refers to the customer journey of the prospective customer from initial contact to purchase or contract conclusion.

Channels, marketing tools, content and visual design as well as other aspects should be aligned depending on the respective position in the sales funnel. The highest marketing effectiveness is achieved when all these components are harmonized with each other.

The selection of these factors is as individual as the advertised products and the target group. However, the following characteristics can be generalized as success factors of a marketing campaign:

  • Attention-grabbing design
  • Alignment with the target group: added value and relevance for interested parties
  • Pithy and memorable content
  • Conclusive and consistent design of the components
  • Credible presentation

The campaign combines several marketing tasks in one time-limited measure. It therefore involves more effort than the other multiple and separate use of individual marketing instruments.

Tasks and steps of a successful marketing campaign

There are several steps to consider when planning a successful marketing campaign. Each of these can be seen as a prerequisite for the following step. The following sequential steps form the basis for creating the campaign:

  1. Analysis of the status quo
  2. Target formulation and selection of the target group
  3. Strategic planning and conception (including budgeting)
  4. Selection of marketing tools and channels
  5. Selecting and designing the message
  6. Timing and implementation

Planning marketing campaigns first requires a comprehensive analysis of the initial situation. The subject of the campaign, the target group and the framework conditions all play a role here. The current status of the product to be advertised or the company image to be improved must be taken into account in the analysis. It is also important to include the competition and its position in the situation analysis. This is a prerequisite for the subsequent target formulation.

Planning a marketing campaign: the objective

The initiators of the campaign should be clear about what they want to have achieved at the end of the campaign when defining the campaign objectives. The goals should be considered dynamic, i.e. they can change in the course of campaign planning. Based on the preceding analysis, for example, it may emerge that the communication of a new corporate image is initially required to position a product.

For example, a company with a rather conservative image will find it difficult to market a product as innovative or new. In a marketing campaign that targets the image, the example company can focus attention on past progressive services or products.


Be aware of the desired goal of a marketing campaign.

Be aware of the desired goal of a marketing campaign. (Image:

An important part of formulating objectives is defining the target group as precisely as possible. The company should be clear about who it primarily wants to address with the campaign. Knowing the target group and its needs is an important basis for the subsequent step of formulating the campaign's core messages.

Planning and budgeting the costs of marketing campaigns

Once the objectives are known, it's time for the challenging step of strategic planning. An important part of this is planning the costs incurred for the campaign. The budgeting should take into account all activities associated with the campaign

In view of the large number of players and measures, accompanying cost control is important.

The distribution of the cost burden among the actors, instruments and measures involved requires precise planning of the individual activities.

Channels and marketing tools

Planning marketing campaigns means thoughtfully coordinating marketing tools. For example, the corporate design, including logos and other design elements, is part of the framework. Slogans are also part of this. In addition to the design framework, time frameworks must also be discussed. Similar to project management, the management of a campaign also involves coordinating many individual activities, some of which are interdependent.


Pay attention to your corporate identity (CI) when creating a marketing campaign.
Pay attention to your corporate identity (CI) when creating a marketing campaign. (Image:

When selecting marketing channels, there are numerous options, especially in the digital sector. The channels must be selected and coordinated depending on the target group. Attention should always be paid to a coherent and continuous design. In all measures, the corporate design should be represented by logos, color selection, slogans and other design elements. This serves the recognition value.

In addition to today's standard marketing channels of email marketing and social media marketing, the importance of traditional, analog measures should not be underestimated. Printed flyers or trade fair presentations are valuable communication tools that you can use to provide targeted support for digital channels.

Central message of the campaign

When it comes to planning marketing campaigns, the selection of the central message is particularly important. This is about convincing customers and prospects of the benefits and added value of the advertised product. This is where you define the reasons why an interested visitor should become a customer.

The message must be communicated in a unique and concise way. Here too, the coordination of the elements plays an important role, from the formulation of a catchy message to its embedding in the corporate context.


Implementation of marketing campaigns

Finally, when it comes to implementing the campaign, the time factor plays an important role. As this is a time-limited campaign, certain measures must be implemented for a specific time window. Implementation involves the task of distributing the various measures and coordinating their content and timing.

This requires a special flair for timing. Carrying out the right activities at the right time can be crucial to the success of the campaign.


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Finally, a successful campaign includes the analysis of the measures taken and evaluation based on the objective. This not only allows you to determine the success of the marketing campaigns in terms of figures, but also important insights and improvements for the next campaigns.