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Lead Generation Through Case Studies: How To Succeed - Thorit

Case studies can be an effective way to present your own success and thus increase lead generation. But how should such references be structured so that your company benefits from this form of presentation? We will show you how easily and effectively this can be done. The latest Digital Marketing Insights - Get exclusive access to valuable marketing know-how

What is a case study anyway?

A case study illustrates which achievements and successes a company can demonstrate in a specific project. Case studies usually cover these projects comprehensively from the initial concept to completion. Among other things, they highlight the professional approach and the successes achieved through implementation.

It is important that the case studies are structured in such a way that even non-experts can easily follow them. In addition, they should arouse and maintain interest. A balancing act, as many case studies do not encourage further reading due to lengthy explanations and technical descriptions.

Case studies for lead generation in the menu bar.
You will often already find the case studies in the menu bar

Case studies for lead generation should be structured medially

As everyone knows, few prospects will want to read a large block of text when it comes to the success of a company. This means that different media should be included in such a case study.

Images and graphics support visual perception and facilitate access. Videos make it particularly easy to explain complex relationships. Short paragraphs and, above all, easy-to-consume content are the means of choice here.

Why case studies are relevant for potential customers

But why are case studies so successful in lead generation? Because the results not only inspire, but also convince. This is because many customers mistrust pure marketing measures and believe that companies are not honest enough in their public image. This is not the case with case studies. This is because verifiable facts are usually presented here, which the customer could check with a little research effort.

The trust of the potential customer plays a decisive role in lead generation.

With the presentation of case studies, you can convince potential customers of your work, performance and successes
A case study can convince potential clients of your work, performance and successes (Image:

Presenting your own success to your target group

In order for lead generation to succeed in a meaningful and targeted way, both the type and presentation of the case studies must be adapted to the desired target group. On the one hand, the content must be presented differently for B2C customers than for the B2B sector.

An example: Complex technical services should be presented as a success for the company. For B2B customers from a similar field of work, you can work with the technical terms in the case study and hardly need to explain them. This is different for B2B customers from a different specialist area. Here, it is important to present the reference in such a way that customers are fully informed without having to consult an encyclopaedia or dictionary.

Design of case studies for lead generation
DDesign your case studies to be target group-oriented, appealing and understandable for non-specialists (Image:

This is often even more complicated in the B2C segment, as many case studies have to be structured in much smaller sections to ensure knowledge transfer. Only by adapting the form and presentation can lead generation be ensured.

Always remember the added value for the viewer

Of course, it's great for a company to showcase its own success. But you shouldn't lose sight of the most important thing. Because it is not enough to show your own success to generate leads. The added value for the reader or consumer must be made clear.

This means that case studies should always show what benefits the commissioning company was able to achieve in this case. An improvement in sales, a generation of leads or a higher number of visitors? All of this should alsobe recorded and clearly communicated in case studies.

So these case studies can be used effectively to generate leads and convince the customer and buyer.

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Use case studies on different channels

Of course, the case studies need to be presented well on the company's website. However, in order for them to be found, it is important to use the various marketing channels to increase the number of visitors to the pages.

Social networks have proven to be particularly effective in the case of case studies. Here, visitors can be quickly convinced to visit with short excerpts and well-communicated facts. Think about the media mix here too and incorporate exciting graphics or videos.