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Linked Google services - advantages & reasons for doing so

Without the keywords from the organic search, you now have to cut back on Google. Because now you can no longer easily see what users have entered into the search engines to find your site or store.

So that you don't have to live with this disadvantage permanently, you can link Google Analytics and the Google Search Console. This not only gives you easy access to the search terms that lead to your company's page, but also allows you to view other soft factors that improve your ranking.

How to connect both tools in just a few steps is shown here step by step.

Good reasons to link them - why Google Analytics and Google Search Console work so well together

Google Analytics is also familiar to users with a very superficial knowledge of online marketing. Web analysis tools are nothing new and there are many external solutions, but of course Google's Analytics service is worth a closer look, as it combines the bridge between analysis and advertising in the best possible way. Google simply offers a great and comprehensive infrastructure that modern companies rely on. It therefore makes double (and often triple) sense for companies to use Google Analytics to keep track of traffic, campaigns and ROI in a single tool.

The Google Search Console, on the other hand, collects data on how your company's page (or a subpage) is indexed, read and evaluated by Google. Not only search terms are evaluated, but also backlinks. Therefore, using the Google Search Console also makes sense if you want to check whether there are technical factors that are worsening your ranking.

The integration of both tools provides you with even more options for user behavior, comparisons between impressions and click-through rate and, of course, your ranking for search terms and your average positioning. This is important if you want to optimize your site for a specific term or semantic field and improve your standing compared to the competition. This allows you to allocate targeted resources to SEA and achieve the desired (search) results.

How to link Search Console and Google Analytics

The linking of Google Search Console and Google Analytics only works if you are the owner of the website whose data is to be linked. In addition, the Google ID in the Search Console and Google Analytics must match and you need administrative rights for the Analytics property. If this is the case, you must first log in to your Google account.

First steps

Since Google Analytics 3 (February 2021), linking has been significantly simplified. In the Google Search Console, click on Settings and then on Linked services. In the property settings, you will also find Google Analytics if the ID matches.

Google Search Console
Activate the link between the Search Console and Google Analytics in the Search Console under "Settings"

Google Analytics is not displayed

If no banner is displayed for the link, this may be because there is a link to a URL prefix property (address begins with https://). You must first disconnect this link. You will find Google's three dots for settings and then simply click on Unlink. After this URL prefix property is removed, you can activate a link to the domain property (address without https://).

Link Google Analytics

At the top under Settings / Links you will find a banner that prompts you to link your Google Analytics property with the Google Search Console property. To do this, click on the Link button. You will be shown a list of linkable Analytics properties; these are all properties that are linked to the same Google account as the Search Console. Now select the appropriate property and your Google property is now linked to Analytics 3. You should also see the link in Analytics after just a few minutes.

Google Search Console
Banner to set up a link with Google Analytics

Check connection in Google Analytics 3

If you want to make sure that the link has worked, all you have to do is log in to Google Analytics. Here you will find the Property column in the main menu under Administration. Click on Product link / All products and find the Google Search Console here. By clicking on Customize link, you can view the associated domain. The prefix should be "sc-domain:", then both tools have been successfully connected.

Google Analytics
When you click on the corresponding button, you should find an associated domain after the link

Google Search Console and Google Analytics are linked - what now?

Once both properties have been linked, you can continue working in Google Analytics as usual. All Search Console data can be found under Acquisition / Search Console.
If you have already worked with the Google Search Console, you should already be familiar with the classification into countries, devices, search queries and landing page.
You can now call up the reports individually directly in Analytics or you can superimpose two data sets over a desired period of time. You can also categorize metrics by days, weeks or months. Of course, you can also save individual reports. Reports for search queries and keywords can be found in the respective tab under Acquisition / Search Console / Search queries or Channels /Organic Search / Keywords.

Search Console reports in Google Analytics can be found under Acquisition / Search Console / Search queries

Get found better with the integration of Google Search Console and Google Analytics

The fact that organic keywords are no longer displayed in Analytics is a bitter blow for many users. For this reason alone, it makes sense to connect Google Search Console to Analytics 3, even if Google no longer displays all keywords. However, the Search Console helps you to better understand which search queries really lead to your site and how this fits in with your SEO strategy for displayed keywords. For efficiency reasons alone, the connection of both tools is highly recommended.

You can find out how to use the data from Google Analytics to your advantage and how you can improve your ranking organically, along with many other online marketing topics, in our whitepaper.

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Our team will of course also be happy to support you personally, just send us an inquiry - after all, we know that Google Analytics and the Search Console are exciting and comprehensive tools, but only represent the tip of the digital data mountain for long-term campaign planning.