Before we delve deeper into the topic, it is essential to explain the definitions. Because there are many important little things here that are usually not even consciously noticed in everyday life. One important difference in particular is the use of "sex" and "gender". The English term "gender" is not used to describe the biological sex, but the social sex. It describes aspects of gender identity that define a person within society and culture, beyond their purely biological sex characteristics.
Gender theory recognizes that gender exists on a continuum and that there is a diversity of gender identities beyond male and female. In contrast, the English word "sex" for gender refers to the purely biological level, defined by physical sexual characteristics. Gender is primarily seen as a binary category in which individuals are classified as either male or female.
Keeping this distinction in mind makes it much easier to understand the topic and this article.
Traditional gender marketing refers to the targeted alignment of marketing strategies to specific gender groups. Companies adapt products, advertising and messages to traditional gender stereotypes in order to appeal to customers. This can lead to stereotypical ideas being reinforced and gender roles being cemented.
This gender-specific marketing is based on the assumption that men and women behave differently and therefore have different purchasing behavior. They would arrive at their purchase decision in a different way, would have different needs and would communicate differently. Unfortunately, these assumptions are not based on psychological, social-analytical approaches to the topic, but are due to the gender roles shaped by society.
In traditional gender marketing, society is divided or segmented into women, men, girls and boys. If, for example, a product is intended to reach a female target group, various strategies can be used to better appeal to "women" according to the outdated marketing approach. For women, pastel, soft colors are often used and a slogan is added that promises a discreet and gentle solution to the problem. For men, on the other hand, colors are used to convey robustness, strength and dominance. These approaches are not modern marketing and definitely not good gender marketing!
From an early age, we are led to believe by such advertising that a girl or a boy can only have these and those needs, or like this and that. Our own decision-making power is taken away.
The outdated gender marketing started with pink-blue pigeonholing. Everyday products were also sold with gender attributions. However, it is becoming increasingly clear that this is very problematic. This binary marketing approach is met with a lack of understanding by many customers and also discriminates against all those individuals who define themselves as neither female nor male.
This implies that the traditional division exclusively into men and women is outdated and should be approached in a different way. More recently, there has been a growing movement for gender-neutral marketing that takes into account the diversity of gender identities and addresses target groups in an open way.
Often, when it comes to the topic of gender, the discussion is wiped away with the words: "It doesn't even happen anymore". That would be nice. But unfortunately, marketers still opt for marketing campaigns that build on, incorporate or address stereotypes or role clichés. Stereotypes can be related to both outward appearance and behavior. One example is the assertion that a woman "stores" out of passion, whereas a man "shops" out of necessity.
Advertisements or websites for "women's razors" are an example of advertising that quickly reveals the social influence. Here, a woman is shown trying out her new razor on her legs. All well and good, but the leg was already hairless before the supposed shave. This indicates that society has defamed underarm and leg hair on women. Apparently so much so that the hair not only has to be removed, but also retouched and the leg has to look surreally smooth and tanned. This conveys a standard that no human being will ever achieve. In the meantime, however, more "hair is shown".
Unfortunately, gender marketing has also led to differential pricing based on gender. The Anti-Discrimination Agency reports that, on average, women have to pay more than men, especially for care products and services. Just because similar products are designed in "feminine shapes and hues" does not mean that those who choose them should pay more.
Gender marketing aimed at this is undesirable nowadays, is met with rejection by customers, especially on social media, and can quickly lead to a shitstorm.
That's why it's better not to do it!
It's always easier said than done: you can't see a blunder until you've put your foot in it. So here's a little guide on how you can avoid gross mistakes in your gender marketing:
However, it should also be mentioned that segmentation by gender is a sensible thing for certain products. If you are selling a product that is made purely for one biological gender, such as sanitary towels or tampons, it is pointless to advertise to a different target group. Through targeted segmentation, you can create a closer bond with your customers, better address their problems and address their needs. Gender marketing definitely makes sense here, but it must be used correctly.
It must not use stereotypes, emphasize traditional behavior or limit itself to classic "consumer behavior."
Our society is experiencing more and more "wokeness" on this topic, so it is important that you as a company also become part of this conversation. In general, it can be said that gender marketing is good as long as it does not involve sexism. However, it is important to take into account changing gender awareness and the diversity of gender identities.
The concept is therefore moving towards gender-neutral marketing. So, gender marketing hasn't retired yet, but it's now sporting a trendy new hairstyle. So you can do marketing that is aimed at everyone and where everyone feels comfortable.