As soon as your company officially publishes something - to customers, press offices, advertising representatives - you use a certain expression, words, style that conveys the desired impression. This is corporate wording: it ensures that B2B and B2C communication follows the right channels. The better you define it, the more advantages beckon for your company.
Companies always want to stand out from their competitors. With unique selling points, they are more likely to be remembered by customers. This is achieved through numerous measures - one of which is corporate wording. It addresses the following topics, among others:
Corporate wording helps to define the relationship between a company and its target group more precisely.
Companies communicate differently to public authorities, for example. While the latter need to provide factual information, companies need to build a relationship with the people they are addressing.
Companies that succeed in doing this package their own identity in the language and ensure that they are remembered by the target group - for months or even years.
Relationships with customers always remain "fresh". This makes it easier for you to create a uniform image of your company in the long term: a clear line that customers can follow and appreciate. For these reasons, it is a good idea to develop a strong corporate wording that suits the company in question.
There are numerous good reasons for this:
1. Differentiation: You stand out from the competition with your own, lively language that stays in people's minds and makes you present.
2. Identity: You express who you are through language. Simply choosing between a "you" and "you" form of address makes a huge difference to how the company is perceived.
3. Confidence: Uniform language over a long period of time makes it clear that you are thinking and planning for the long term. This creates confidence in your future.
4. Emotions: Emotions sell products and services and create loyalty. Use your language to evoke certain emotions in order to strengthen customer loyalty.
How you achieve this goal can be difficult, however, depending on the current level of your own corporate wording.
The first step is to develop a concept that is then clearly defined and passed on to employees. First, develop the appropriate language style: Think about what philosophy you represent with your company. What values do you want to convey - and which terms reflect these values? This is followed by instructions on how this definition can be implemented in everyday life. Some companies use lists of words that must not be mentioned under any circumstances and words that should definitely be included in every text. Draft standardized templates for all areas in which it makes sense - but it is best to leave room for free creative development.
Think about salutations: personal or not? Do you mention titles in your salutations? How do you handle gender-inclusive language? A clear rulebook shows employees how they should speak and write on behalf of the company - but allow as much freedom as possible within this set of rules. It is dangerous to restrict the language in your company so strictly that it is no longer possible to express yourself.
It is also important to find resistant words. These are terms that are difficult to copy from others and that stick with readers over a long period of time. If you study the websites of large corporations that put a lot of effort into their corporate wording, you are guaranteed to come across certain terms that are often repeated. We subconsciously associate these terms with this company. Words of this kind are always positive in nature: quality, fair, versatile, expressive, just, breathtaking & Co.
A simple example of corporate wording in the German-speaking world is Microsoft. When visiting the website, it becomes clear that product descriptions for professional users are always addressed to you. Other products - such as the Xbox gaming division - are addressed as "you". This is no coincidence, but is analyzed in detail for companies of this size before it is finally defined that the generally applicable corporate wording is to use the first name in one case and the first initial in the other.
Answers to support requests are also well-known. In the case of large companies, this is often done by first expressing understanding for the question asked - à la "We see that you have a problem with our product. We would be happy to help you." This is exactly how it will be defined in the company's corporate wording. It will probably state that the company wants to create a personal bond with the customer by showing understanding and sympathy.
Not everything that has to do with words is automatically part of corporate wording. For example, a company could specify that headlines should be written in a certain font with a font size of 12 and a spacing (the distance between the letters) of 0.5 points.
However, this is part of the corporate design, not the corporate wording. Wording refers exclusively to the expression and not to the form. This example shows that not everything that has to do with words automatically belongs in the area of corporate wording. However, the boundaries are fluid, as the desired effects can support each other. The more familiar you are with these topics, the more you can use them to enhance the overall impression of your company.
Only with corporate wording that suits your company can you ensure long-term loyalty to your target group. By tackling the issue early on, you will be successful: Language is a core aspect of every marketing tool. Using it correctly will help you as a company to communicate positively with customers and achieve more growth in the long term.