The Digital Marketing Magazine - Thorit

Chat GPT: 7 effective uses in marketing

Written by Admin | Apr 5, 2023 9:15:00 AM

Never write yourself again? Have content creators lost their jobs? Everyone is talking about the new AI power Chat GPT. The invention by Tesla manufacturer Elon Musk and Microsoft has also reached the marketing world. But where can Chat GPT make marketing work easier? In this article, you will learn 7 ways in which you can use Chat GPT in practice.

Before we get to this point, we first need to understand what this artificial intelligence actually is and what it is capable of. The Generative Pre-Trained Transformer is similar to human communication between humans and computer. The Open AI system can be used to ask and discuss questions. It can simplify complicated texts or write poetry. These capabilities are based on the millions of texts in social media, books or newspapers that Generative Pretrained Transformer  has been taught. However, Chat GPT cannot carry out independent internet research. This is to prevent incorrect information from being fed in. This knowledge and skill can also be useful for the advertising industry to simplify their work.

Formulating catchy headlines 

A good headline is crucial for effective marketing, but sometimes you don't have the right idea.

Finding a catchy headline is sometimes hard, but Chat GPT can help out here.(Image:

Here Chat GPT can be a good support and bring new ideas with endless knowledge. Explain to the AI in your prompt exactly what you want to achieve with your headline and what your target group is. Possible areas of application would be headlines for posters, ads or blog articles, for example

Article creation 

High-quality blog posts are particularly important for Google rankings. However, producing an article requires a lot of resources. It is therefore helpful if Chat GPT can do some of the work. It is important to tell Chat GPT exactly what text form and topic is required. Because the more precise the prompt, the better the result.  

Although caution is advised against plagiarism here, the chat GPT can already write a rough draft that only needs to be edited

Collect information  

The knowledge of the Chat GPT is huge. It can also be a useful tool for marketing. Whether you want to acquire new information for optimization or knowledge for a new customer, have a general question about the marketing industry or need an analysis, AI is your best friend. It can also provide ideas for a good editorial plan for Chat GPT. It can also help with design by providing ideas for motifs.

An example prompt would be:  

  • Create a list of potential German fashion influencers on Instagram that we could work with. Please note that the number of followers should be over 100k. 

Writing short texts 

Here a newsletter, there a text for Instagram. Short texts that summarize a topic well are needed everywhere. Chat GPT is very good at converting complicated facts and information into a compact text without sounding too technical. This is particularly useful in the field of marketing, as the time required to create such texts can be minimized.

Create structure 

Before you can start creating content, you need a structure. Creating this can be a headache.

AI can support marketing by creating informative Instagram texts.(Image:

The artificial intelligence of Chat GPT provides you with an effective structure in fractions of a second, whether for videos, podcasts or texts. An example question could be: 

  • Write a script for an explainer video about our company's sustainability and paper reduction efforts.  

Writing emails 

In customer contact, but also for email marketing, the support of Chat GPT can be helpful. After a detailed explanation of what email format is required, Chat GPT can write you a perfect email. The AI provides you with suggestions for wording and the structure of the email so that the desired communication goal is achieved.

  • Create a thank you email that is sent to customers after a purchase .   

SEO research 

Searching for keywords yourself is passé.

Chat GPT can now do this for you. With the right question, the AI provides you with a list of keywords that can significantly improve your ranking. This saves you time-consuming analyses and perhaps also money for certain tools and platforms.


Chat GPT is a great addition to the world of marketing. However, the system is still new and may still contain errors, which is why monitoring is essential. Even if it seems that GPT can do all the work for you, content creators will continue to play an important role because real originality and quality content comes from people. Nonetheless, Chat GPT is part of the future of marketing and can make your job easier and inspire you to come up with new ideas.